Macrogol 10g
Symptomatic treatment of constipation in adults and children aged 8 years and above.
An organic disorder should have been ruled out before initiation of treatment.
Macrogol should remain a temporary adjuvant treatment to appropriate lifestyle and dietary management of constipation, with a maximum 3-months treatment course in children. If symptoms persist despite associated dietary measures, an underlying cause should be suspected and treated.
Oral use.
1 to 2 sachets (10-20 g) per day, preferably taken as a single dose in the morning. The daily dose should be adjusted according to the clinical response and may range from one sachet every other day (especially in children) up to 2 sachets a day. The effect of Macrogol becomes apparent within 24 to 48 hours after its administration.
Paediatric population
In children, treatment should not exceed 3 months due to a lack of clinical data for treatment lasting longer than 3 months. Treatment-induced restoration of bowel movements will be maintained by lifestyle and dietary measures.
Method of administration
The content of each sachet should be dissolved in about 50 ml of water just before use and taken in the morning. The resultant solution will be clear and transparent like water.